"That's something anyone can do. You can hire the equipment so you don't need to spend a fortune on tools, and it will only take a few days." It's also the perfect time of year to turn your attention outdoors. "Outdoor decking, pergolas and retaining walls are all popular holiday projects that are relatively simple and fun," says David. "It's is also a good time to think about putting in grey water systems and other devices that help you save water http://betonn.site11.com around the home." But if you're hell-bent on tackling a major project, then be aware that most jobs will require a building permit, and that's not something you can organise on Christmas Eve. Plans will need to be drawn up, fees will need to be paid, and the building surveyor will need time to process it. According to the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC), every year 15 Victorians are killed and at least 2000 are seriously injured carrying out DIY work. "Too often people jump in without really appreciating the risks and reading up on how to do the job properly," says Erin Cassell, Director of the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit at the MUARC.
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